Bournemouth Lodges Holiday Committee
In 1977 the original format for the Bournemouth Lodges’ holiday was first set up. Despite initial hurdles, we have been successfully arranging holidays for Masons, their wives/partners and widows ever since. Today the work still continues to be fully supported by local Bournemouth Lodges, the Province of Hampshire and Isle of Wight together with the RMBI; a testament to the foresight of those early brethren. Guests receive a very warm welcome on their arrival and once settled in enjoy a variety of organised day excursions together with a varied fortnight’s evening entertainment programme; provided and sponsored by individual Bournemouth Lodges. There is plenty of free time built in to allow guests to “chill out” or visit other attractions under their own steam; if they so wish. The holiday culminates with a gala dinner attended by both senior members from our Province and the RMBI.
We all know of Masons or widows of Masons who may not be enjoying good health or due to other reasons have not been able to have a break for some considerable time. It is also a recognised fact that a holiday can produce many benefits to those who take a break. Let us not forget that caring for our brethren, their wives/partners and widows is a fundamental part of Freemasonry.
If you are interested, initially you should raise the issue with your Lodge or Group Almoner. We are sure they will be only too pleased to help. More detailed information can also be obtained from The Bournemouth Lodges’ Holiday Committee via your Almoner or the Province.
Ray Turner
Some pictures from the 2013 Holiday:
Sojourners Lodge sponsored Bingo Night
Holiday Makers dancing the night away!
Entertainment from the Pendelfin Singers
An Evening of Magic by Tony Rudden